Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chipmunks and my tomatoes

Ok-I am having a battle with the chipmunks that call our yard home! We have successfully captured 2 in various ways.....but now they appear to be outsmarting us!

Last night as I was sitting and enjoying a nice glass of wine I looked out and saw one of them sitting on the edge of the garden chewing on a piece of tomato.

I am having to pick the tomatoes earlier than I would like cuz the little critters seem to like them just as they start to ripen!

If anyone has any idea's on how to get rid of them without using poisen I would appreciate the advice.

1 comment:

  1. Try hair from a hair brush. Place it around the base of the plant. It works wonders against the deer. I'm not sure chipmunks fear the smell of humans like deer but it can't hurt.
